Argos Disclaimer
Terms and Conditions for the use of this website
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These terms and conditions are applicable to the user of this website. Users who allow other persons to consult the information available on this website must inform these persons of the existence of these conditions. Argos has compiled this website with great care. Argos vzw, however, provides no guarantees concerning the relevance, accuracy, correctness, completeness or suitability to a specific goal of the information, the data or publications. Consequently, Argos cannot be held liable for any damage, in whatever form, caused by mistakes or omissions in this website. Argos attempts to make timely and accurate information available. If Argos is made aware of mistakes in the website, it will attempt to correct these as quickly as possible. Each link made to the Argos website must directly refer to the homepage. Please do not make links to other pages on this website. Argos is in no way responsible for the information on other websites referred to via a link. It is also not responsible for the information on websites that refer to Argos.
For the complete contents of the website: © 2008 Argos vzw. The original texts on this website are protected by the Act of 30 June 1994 governing copyright and neighbouring rights. Any infringement to the rights of Argos can result in appropriate legal actions. Additional information is available via
The site is protected by copyright. It is also a database for which Argos vzw owns the copyrights and rights of the reproduction.
The texts, layout, drawings, photos, films, graphics and other components of this site are protected by copyright.
Each copy, adaptation, change, translation, arrangement, public communication, rental or other exploitive form of all or a part of this site, in any form and via any means, such as electronic, mechanical or other means, without the prior written consent of Argos vzw, is prohibited.
The names, logos and other symbols used in this site, among others the logo and the name Argos, are brands and/or trade names that are protected by law. Each use thereof, or of similar symbols, without the prior written consent of Argos vzw is prohibited.
The contents of the database are protected by the sui generis right that allows the producer to prohibit any request and/or reuse of all or a part of these contents.
Any infringement of these rights can lead to criminal or civil charges.
ARGOS is committed to your on-line privacy and takes the precautions required to secure your data against misuse. Thus, we do everything possible to ensure your privacy while you are making use of this website. Personal information is gathered via e-mail and forms on this Argos website. The personal information that you provide via a e-mail, online forms, the postal services, telephone or fax are placed in the files of Argos vzw Center for Art and Media // Werfstraat 13 rue du Chantier // B - 1000 Brussels. This data is used to provide you with the requested service or information and to provide you with information concerning our activities.
If you do not wish to receive such information, you can make this wish known via e-mail or ordinary mail. You have the right to inspect and correct your data. To accomplish this, send a dated and signed request with a copy of your identity card to the above-mentioned address. How to contact Argos in regards to the safety policy?
- by email //
- by telephone // +32 2 229 0003
- by fax // +32 2 223 7331
- by mail // ARGOS vzw Centre for Art and Media // Werfstraat 13 rue due Chantier // B – 1000 Brussel
On request we will provide you with access to all the information we keep about you in our files. If you would like to have access to this information please contact us on the above-mentioned address. On request we provide you with the possibility to allow for corrections to the information kept on your name. The administration of the address information is done in conformity with the Belgian law of 8 December 1992 in respect to the protection of the personal atmosphere.
If you do not want to receive any more mailings, telephone calls or emails please contact the Robinson list of the Belgisch Direct Marketing Verbond:
- by telephone // 0800 91 886
- by mail // BDMV, Robinson list, Buro & Design Center, Heizel Esplanade B46, 1020 Brussels
- online //
The databases in which your information is stored are secured against improper access with the latest technologies. The information collected is not passed on to third parties.